Sunday, May 12, 2013

Do You Know How To Set Your Goals

I was on a Super Saturday webinar Team Take Massive Action, which was yesterday. This team is really inspiration and believe me they have you thinking about your priorities. The one thing I grasped was about setting goals and do you know how to set them. In my mind I was like what nut doesn’t duh lol, but when the gentleman explained even more on how to set your goals I was like wow I never thought about goals that way. The speaker used the acronym S.M.A.R.T which stands for:
I looked up specific and its definition  specified, precise, or particular according to
The Speaker said that your Goals should be specific. For example you may say I want a nice car instead of saying that you want nice car go to the lot look at the car you want test drive it to see if that’s the car you want. See if the car is the right fit for you. Now I am 5ft myself, so if I was buying a car first off I would need a license lol, but I would make sure that I am not in a car that seems overly huge for me to operate.
Definition of measurable is Possible to be measured according to
Is your goal even measurable would be like what steps or plans would you take to get there.
Definition of Attainable is  To gain as an objective; achieve: attain a diploma by hard work.  To arrive at, as by virtue of persistence or the passage of time. See Synonyms at reach according to
Is your Goal Attainable meaning can it really be done. For example: If you wanted to make $10,000.00 a month and you are just starting out may not happen as fast as you want. When you want to make money like that you have to take baby steps to meet that goal. Let that be a goal for the future, but if it happens for you Great!!!
Realistic’s definition is  Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are: She gave us a realistic appraisal of our chances. 2. Of or relating to the representation of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are: a realistic novel about ghetto life. According to
Your goals must be realistic. If you know you can not fly don’t jump off the building lol. Meaning don’t have unrealistic goals knowing for sure you can’t reach them, but over time take baby steps to get where you want to go in life.
For Instance the Wright brothers had a goal to fly and they tried numorous times and then they were successful with making planes. Look at the airline industry now!
Time is defined as  A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. According to
When you have a goal it’s very important to try to plan what you are doing and when you believe this will happen. For example if I wanted to make $10,000.00 a month I know it will take time, but I would set my goal of me making that amount in a year or less. Yes its very possible. Its been proven that you can make that amount of money and the vehicle that could help you is Empower Network. 
Click the link below to find out how!
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